The Practice House, first established at Withycombe House in 1916, was used for instruction in Home Economics. The curriculum included "Practice Housekeeping" and work with "Practice Babies" - local infants used to teach the basics of caring for a…
Pictured at center left is Mrs. Howard Burleson, instructor of civilian pilot training. Oregon State offered civilian pilot training to men and women in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The training took place at the Albany airport.
Yerian ’32 was the Head of the Secretarial Science Department and Business Education. He authored “Typewriting for personal use” and wrote numerous articles for Business Education.
Ava B. Milam came to OAC in 1911 and was appointed the Dean of the School of Home Economics in 1917, serving for 33 years. She was primarily interested in the study of home economics within Asian cultures. During WWI she was appointed as the Home…