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Pencil drawing by Roger Hayward titled "Flap" of temple ruins. 9 in. x 12 in.

Pencil drawing by Roger Hayward of a rural scene. 9 in. x 12 in.

Pencil drawing by Roger Hayward of two men painting. 9 in. x 12 in.

Pen and ink drawing by Roger Hayward titled "Dardanella?" Captioned: "Brother Jack (home on vacation) tries a little jazz after breakfast." The drawing depicts a cut-away house revealing family members, pets and a domestic servant dancing to jazz…

Black and white photograph of an illustration by Roger Hayward titled "Tech Show 1922, The Wrong Steer." The illustration depicts a caveman, cavewoman and child riding a bull. 6.5 in. x 9 in.

Etching by Roger Hayward of an elderly basketweaver.

Etching by Roger Hayward of a castle.

Etching by Roger Hayward of a Venetian street with gondolas traveling through the water.

Etching by Roger Hayward of a city.

Etching by Roger Hayward of a rustic house.