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Mitzi Asai Loftus was born in Hood River, Oregon in 1932. Her parents emigrated from Japan and owned and operated fruit orchards in Hood River. Her father was forced to sell his property after he was sent to the internment camps. She was in the…

Miya Kaneko Kobayashi was born in Crystal City, Texas. Her parents emigrated from Japan to Peru where they operated an import/export business. Their family was forced by the American and Peruvian governments to relocate to a camp in Crystal City…

Kenge Kobayashi was born in Imperial Valley, California in 1926 where his parents, who emigrated from Japan in 1905, had a farm. In 1942, his family lived in internment camps, first in the Gila River Relocation Center in Arizona for one year, and…

Alice Endo Aikens was born in Oakland, California in 1939. Her grandparents emigrated from Japan to the United States in the early 1920's. Her parents were both kibei, born in the United States but educated in Japan. Her family ran an Asian grocery…

Zoe Ann Holmes was born and raised in southeast Kansas in a small college town. She was the middle of five children and she talks extensively about her siblings and other immediate family. Her early interest in science was pushed by her father and…

Born to an Indiana flour miller, the second of four children, Roberta Hall studied at Duke University and worked in the Journalism Library and the Bookstore. Roberta then moved to Wyoming and continued to take courses, including anthropology. Later…

This award is granted annually by the OSU Womens Center. Helen Berg (center) was a statistician at OSU and the first woman mayor of Corvallis, serving from 1994-2006.

Image is annotated: "The Holly tree was 20 coeds 'round. Coeds encircling the giant holly tree are members of Theta Sigma Phi, national women's honorary in journalism."

Mrs. French donated her bird collection to Oregon State College in 1956.