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Reproduced illustration from "Some Studies of the Moebius Tape and the Moebius Rings" by Roger Hayward as published in Recreational Mathematics Magazine.

Illustration by Roger Hayward of an apparatus for coating materials included in "Coated Materials and Method and Apparatus for Producing Same" - a project for the Unbreakable Lens Company undertaken by Hayward and two other inventors.

Letter from Samuel E. Lunden to Raimond C. Johnson cc: Roger Hayward in which he acknowledges granting Hayward a leave of absence in order to work for Johnson and create sketches/drawings for the Allan Hancock Foundation Building.

Reproduced photographs of the Los Angeles Stock Exchange building designed by Roger Hayward.

Illustrations by Roger Hayward for a transparent projection screen. A patent for this device was awarded to J. D. Strong and Roger Hayward (No. 2,200,646).

Patent for an alleged new and useful improvement in devices for grinding and polishing surfaces awarded to Roger Hayward (No. 239924).

Illustrations by Roger Hayward of his patented apparatus for surface generation (No. 2,403,659).

Illustrations by Roger Hayward of his patented means and method for testing optical surfaces (No. 2,430,637).

Illustrations by Roger Hayward of his patented bubble level with conical lens (No. 2,514,492).

Illustrations by Roger Hayward of his patented panoramic telescope device (No. 2,625,853).