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County agent H. G. Avery; D. E. Stephens, superintendent of the Moro Branch Experiment Station, and Jack Gorham, North Powder farmer, examining mixture in a field of Federation wheat near the North Powder community.

Dwight Misner uses 36 horses for seeding and harrowing his wheat field in Eastern Oregon.

Turnips grown in Tillamook County using superphosphate and manure, ca 1920.

Early extension agents in Eastern Oregon, 1915.

Midget chicken held by Dr. Paul Bernier (right) is compared to normal-size chicken held by Dr. George Arscott (left). Their project had hoped to develop small chickens that can lay as many eggs on less feed than normal-sized chickens.

Photo shows the short course students and some of the tractors which were used in the one month and three month tractor courses offered by the Extension Service.
Photo shows the interior of the Farm Mechanics Building, ca 1910s.