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Promotional flyer advertising twice weekly performances at the Beroju Puppet Theatre, Pasadena, California. Puppet theater performances were produced by Roger Hayward along with his wife Betty and brother Julian.

Letter from Dennis Flanagan, editor at Scientific American, to Roger Hayward informing him that they will be expanding "The Amateur Astronomer" department into "The Amateur Scientist" and requests that Hayward illustrate for the new department.

Reproduced illustration of opium poppy capsules and a knife as published in The Opium War, 1840-1842, by Peter Ward Fay.

Reproduced illustration of the planetary circulation of the earth's atmosphere as published in Oceanography: A View of the Earth, by M. Grant Gross.

Reproduced illustration of the food chain as published in Oceanography: A View of the Earth, by M. Grant Gross.

Reproduced illustration of a device for determining tidal range as published in Oceanography: A View of the Earth, by M. Grant Gross.

Letter from Ralph Adams Cram and Frank W. Ferguson to Roger Hayward offering him a job at their architectural firm.

Letter from Dennis Flanagan, editor at Scientific American, to Roger Hayward informing him that they received his illustrations for the Beadle article and encloses a check for $500.

Illustration of the nibs of the Hayward-Lewis Pen, a collaboration between Roger Hayward and William Bradley Lewis.

Letter from Ben H. O'Connor to Samuel E. Lunden and Roger Hayward expressing his regrets that their partnership at Lunden, Hayward & O'Connor architectural firm did not work out as they had hoped it might. Hayward was a partner in the firm from 1949…