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"Direction artistique", 1925- , G.P. Joumard.
Has companion publication: Chapeaux du "Très parisien."

Also issued in an American ed. (text primarily in French).

Library's copy is made up of some volumes of the original edition, published at Paris and Neufchastel, 1751-1765, and of some volumes of a Geneva reprint published in 1772.

Library's copy is made up of some volumes of the original edition, published at Paris and Neufchastel, 1751-1765, and of some volumes of a Geneva reprint published in 1772.

Library's copy is made up of some volumes of the original edition, published at Paris and Neufchastel, 1751-1765, and of some volumes of a Geneva reprint published in 1772.

Library's copy is made up of some volumes of the original edition, published at Paris and Neufchastel, 1751-1765, and of some volumes of a Geneva reprint published in 1772.

Library's copy is made up of some volumes of the original edition, published at Paris and Neufchastel, 1751-1765, and of some volumes of a Geneva reprint published in 1772.

This is a page from a book written by a statesmen discussing the possibility of a concubine becoming an Empress in the Han Dynasty.