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Probably hand-printed and illuminated in 13th century manuscript by a 15th century Flemish monk. Directions for singing are scattered throughout the chants. The church calendar, lettered in red and brown with marginal notes and grotesque drawing,…

Probably hand-printed and illuminated in 13th century manuscript by a 15th century Flemish monk. Directions for singing are scattered throughout the chants. The church calendar, lettered in red and brown with marginal notes and grotesque drawing,…

Probably hand-printed and illuminated in 13th century manuscript by a 15th century Flemish monk. Directions for singing are scattered throughout the chants. The church calendar, lettered in red and brown with marginal notes and grotesque drawing,…

This Balinese Book is handwritten on strips of bamboo with wooden end pieces. Age unknown.

An early Hebrew manuscript, which relates the story of Esther as it appears in Rabbinical literature.

The authorship has never been definitely determined but it is believed to be of late origin in Rabbinical literature. The Jews of the first and…

Illustrated in fifty coloured engravings, with descriptions.

Illustrated in fifty coloured engravings, with descriptions.