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This is a pamphlet detailing the rules and by-laws of the Charitable Marine Society of Baltimore, Maryland. It also contains a list of members of the society from 1796 to 1828. It is signed on the inside page by John Carns, dating December 26,…

"A leaf from a colored copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle, the great picture book of the 15th century. Written first in Latin by Hartmann Schedel, and tranlated into German six months later, this work was a history of the world from the Creation to…

This is a cufflink made by Merrin of Madison Ave. out of a Roman coin from the 3rd century.

This Balinese Book is handwritten on strips of bamboo with wooden end pieces. Age unknown.

Illustrated with figures, directions relative to the cultivation, and remarks on the uses of the several species: also descriptions of many other trees of the family of Coniferae, by Aylmer Bourke Lambert ... to which is added an appendix containing…

"Lord Fairfax had arrived in Virginia in the spring of 1747 with the intention of spending the remainder of his life on his Northern Neck proprietary. He went to stay with his cousin and agent, William Fairfax, at Belvoir on the Potomac, the neck of…

No identification. 17 lines. Black, red, and blue ink. Gold foil.

A vellum leaf, evidently taken from a missal book or mass service; printed on both sides, in a fine missal type, gothic letter, in red and black, with double columns, 36 lines to the page.

Library's copy is made up of some volumes of the original edition, published at Paris and Neufchastel, 1751-1765, and of some volumes of a Geneva reprint published in 1772.

Front page of the Savannah Republican, January 21, 1865.