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Asks Ray about rumors of a rift in ECAS. Posin is meditative since "I am giving everything I have for the work of the Committee." Suggests a new program involving 1000's of scientists going to the American public with personal appeals for funding.…

Encloses a check of $15 from the Interstate Business College of Fargo

Requests 1000 copies of "Only Then..." and the Geneva Statement

Encloses a check of $29.55 from the Interstate Business College of Fargo.

Informs ECAS of more lectures coming up in which he will discuss the "inescapable need of a wolrd government."

Encloses a check of $50 from North Dakota Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Leaves contact information since he will be on vacation in CA. Requests more print materials for lectures when he returns to North Dakota.

Very lively letter. He describes his lectures and how emotionally involved they get, he concludes, "I sweat like a horse, but they listen." Informs Ray that he will be at AAAS in Chicago in December. That might be an opportunity to reach scientists…

Encloses $25 check from the Barnes County Livestock Show at Valley City

Receives $50 for two talks for Ashley and Columbus ND homemakers' clubs. Uses money to purchase the film "Atomic Energy" for future presentations.