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Donation with wish that it could be larger; requests literature

Donation and talks about the possible sacrifice that comes with the World Government and how this sacrifice is necessary and should be made clear to the public

Talks about the Committee's plans for a world government; requests to be kept informed about what ECAS is doing

Encourages Einstein to continue the fight instead of letting ECAS disband; expresses his great concern about the withdrawal of ECAS support from the NCAI

States he is planning a country-wide library campaign for education on atomic weapons

Comments on Einstein's letter; talks about the puzzling and contradictory stand taken by the scientists; makes donation

Vehemently criticizes Truman's military aid bill and the military strength in Washington; encloses a petition to be signed

States that she will send the ECAS statement to Congress if ECAS has not done so; tells that she asks the congressman from her district to help ECAS financially; asks for copies of statement and appeal; makes donation