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Donation form; requests literature

Thanks for letter and reprint; requests literature to distribute at church; donation to cover printing and mailing expenses

States that the foundation is considering making a donation; inquires whether or not ECAS has a secured certificate of exemption from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue

Donation, wishes the committee success in their efforts

Expresses support for Dr. Condon and condemns the actions of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. States she wishes she could make another donation.

Donation, regrets it is not larger. Provides information regarding local speaking engagements and publicity for ECAS in Duluth.

States she received additional copies of Only Then Shall We Find Courage.

Requests additional copies of the statement, "A Policy for Survival" for upcoming speaking engagement.

Requests additional literature to be sent to Women's Alliance of the Unitarian Church, and an additional Unitarian church. Discusses upcoming speech to an international relations group of the A.A.U.W.