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Gordon Grant traded in a career as a western river guide for fluvial geomorphology researcher. He completed his PhD at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, but did his dissertation work in the Andrews and French Pete Creek under the advisorship of…

Gordon Grant traded in a career as a western river guide for fluvial geomorphology researcher. He completed his PhD at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, but did his dissertation work in the Andrews and French Pete Creek under the advisorship of…

Gordon Grant traded in a career as a western river guide for fluvial geomorphology researcher. He completed his PhD at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, but did his dissertation work in the Andrews and French Pete Creek under the advisorship of…

Jerry Franklin has been a cornerstone of ecosystem research at the Andrews Forest. He first arrived in the winter of 1957, completed BS and MS degrees in forest management at OSU and then a PhD in botany in 1996 at Washington State University. He…

Jerry Franklin has been a cornerstone of ecosystem research at the Andrews Forest. He first arrived in the winter of 1957, completed BS and MS degrees in forest management at OSU and then a PhD in botany in 1996 at Washington State University. He…

OSU forest engineering graduate Steve Eubanks worked in several Northwest national forests before encountering BLM ecologist Chris Maser in 1977, who hooked him on broad-scale, ecological thinking. As Ranger at the Bear Springs Ranger District on…

OSU forest engineering graduate Steve Eubanks worked in several Northwest national forests before encountering BLM ecologist Chris Maser in 1977, who hooked him on broad-scale, ecological thinking. As Ranger at the Bear Springs Ranger District on…

After completing his graduate training in soils at OSU, Ted Dyrness began soil survey and slope stability work as a Forest Service scientist at various locations in western Oregon, but quickly began to focus soil survey and erosion studies in the…

After completing his graduate training in soils at OSU, Ted Dyrness began soil survey and slope stability work as a Forest Service scientist at various locations in western Oregon, but quickly began to focus soil survey and erosion studies in the…

Kermit Cromack came to OSU from the powerhouse ecosystem research group at University of Georgia and the Coweeta Hydrological Laboratory, a companion Forest Service experimental forest to the Andrews Forest. A specialist in soil biology and carbon…