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A native of New England where he did undergraduate schooling, Art McKee pursued graduate study at University of Georgia before heading west to OSU and the Andrews in the early 1970s. He expected to continue his PhD program, but found a career as…

After a couple years as an undergrad student in forestry at Washington State University, Al Levno made his way as a “young, green kid” to the Andrews Forest in 1963 where he became a research technician for Jack Rothacher and Dick Fredriksen…

Jack Lattin arrived at OSU in 1955, joined the Department of Entomology, which was then joint with Department of Forestry, and, as with many academic entomologists, mixed his entomology work between basic science and applied issues in agriculture and…

In the summer of 1952 Mike Kerrick, an undergraduate forestry student at the University of Minnesota, helped build the stone monument to support the plaque renaming the Blue River Experimental Forest to honor H.J. Andrews. Thus, began a career…

After eight years as a professor of geography at the University of California-Santa Barbara, Julia Jones moved to OSU in 1989 and began collaborating with Gordon Grant, a colleague from graduate student days at Johns Hopkins University. That initial…

Sherri Johnson gained a great deal of experience in research on impacts of hurricanes on streams in the Luquillo Experimental Forest and LTER site in Puerto Rico during here graduate work at the University of Oklahoma. So, she was well prepared when…

After growing up in Massachusetts, attending Amherst College, and doing some work in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, it was a big step for Mark Harmon to travel west in 1980 to OSU to undertake a PhD with Jerry Franklin and working on wood…

After growing up in Massachusetts, attending Amherst College, and doing some work in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, it was a big step for Mark Harmon to travel west in 1980 to OSU to undertake a PhD with Jerry Franklin and working on wood…

After completing a PhD at OSU in 1972, Bob Griffiths spent the next dozen years in marine microbiology research. However, research funding in oceanography became increasingly scarce, so he switched to forest soils using his skills in microbiology…

Stan Gregory arrived in Corvallis from Tennessee in 1971 to begin a PhD at OSU just as the IBP program was getting under way. His initial research focused on primary production in streams, but, as a central figure in the Stream Team, he quickly…