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Susan Stafford came in 1979 to the OSU College of Forestry with a background in statistics and quickly took up leadership of the Quantitative Science Group, the computing system, and information management for the Andrews Forest, leading to…

Phil Sollins received early exposure to ecological research through summer experiences working at Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico, which eventually became an LTER site, during summers of his early years. Then he worked in the Eastern…

Roy Silen went to work on the then Blue River Experimental Forest in the year it was established – 1948 – because he had a forestry degree and a background in logging engineering and the PNW Research Station, his employer, had agreed to cut 20…

Born and raised in Oregon, Jim Sedell completed a BA in philosophy at Willamette University and a PhD in stream ecology at University of Pittsburg before returning to Oregon to take a post-doc position at OSU and the Andrews Forest in 1972. He…

Before coming to OSU in 1981, entomologist Tim Schowalter had been involved with Jornada Experimental Range in New Mexico and Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in Georgia, two US Department of Agriculture sites with deep university affiliations, IBP, and…

After an academic upbringing with luminary ecologists at places like Stanford, Andy Moldenke found his way to OSU, settled into the Entomology Department and began working on a wide range of topics, teaming up with many ecologists along the way. He…

After growing up in western Oregon with parents who worked for the State Forestry Department, Russ Mitchell arrived at Andrews Forest as a sophomore forestry student at OSU in 1953, the summer when the renaming from Blue River Experimental Forest was…

After growing up in western Oregon with parents who worked for the State Forestry Department, Russ Mitchell arrived at Andrews Forest as a sophomore forestry student at OSU in 1953, the summer when the renaming from Blue River Experimental Forest was…

Ross Mersereau was a Marine and lost a lung during the battle of Iwo Jima, but still managed a career as a watershed technician on Andrews Forest working with Al Levno, Dick Fredriksen, Jack Rothacher, and others. An exceptionally reliable worker,…

Ross Mersereau was a Marine and lost a lung during the battle of Iwo Jima, but still managed a career as a watershed technician on Andrews Forest working with Al Levno, Dick Fredriksen, Jack Rothacher, and others. An exceptionally reliable worker,…