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Edited by, and with the Epitomata of, Mauritius Hibernicus (Maurice O'Fihely)
Brit. Mus. Cat. (XV cent.) V, p. 448 (IB. 22969); Gesamtkat. d. Wiegendr., 9065; Goff. Third census, D-372. Inscription on t. p.: S. Martini Monasterij Wibling. Marginal…

Bound with the author's Copulata super tres libros Aristotelis De anima iuxta doctrinam Thomae de Aquino. [Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, about 1492]


Contemporary binding: pigskin, blind-stamped, over oak boards; however, probably…

An early Hebrew manuscript, which relates the story of Esther as it appears in Rabbinical literature.

The authorship has never been definitely determined but it is believed to be of late origin in Rabbinical literature. The Jews of the first and…

BM 15th cent., VI, p. 885 (IA.28466)

Library's copy has bookplate of F.A. Gilfillan pasted on p.2 of cover; and description of book pasted on back fly leaf.

Old calf binding rebacked ca. 1850. 1st leaf mounted.

Commonly titled Anterotica…

Library's copy lacks leaf [1] and other leaves.

Title from Goff.

Imprint from Goff.

Edited by Benedictus Brognolus.

Colophon (leaf 250v): Volumen prisciani de octo partibus orationis: de constructione: de duodecim carminibus: de…

In 2 columns of 43 lines.

Wood cut capitals, some initials in red.

Imperfect: lacks title-page and 4 preliminary leaves.

Descriptive cataloging for missing pages taken from Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British…

"Cy cōmence la pratique de tresexcellent docteur & maistre en medecine Maistre Bernard de Gordon qui sappelle fleur de lys en medecine."--Leaf [2a].
Goff B-452

Library's copy lacks title leaf as well as portions of last 8 leaves plus corners of…