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The International Biological Program (IBP) was the major research program at Andrews Forest during the 1970s. IBP funding from the National Science Foundation and many associated grants made it possible for a large team of academic and Forest…

The International Biological Program (IBP) was the major research program at Andrews Forest during the 1970s. IBP funding from the National Science Foundation and many associated grants made it possible for a large team of academic and Forest…

This planning discussion was held in the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Corvallis to scope out and plan the history project which was to unfold in the context of the 50th anniversary of establishment of the experimental forest (1998). The meeting…

This planning discussion was held in the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Corvallis to scope out and plan the history project which was to unfold in the context of the 50th anniversary of establishment of the experimental forest (1998). The meeting…

As a young forest ecology professor in the College of Forestry ca. 1970, Dick Waring teamed up with Jerry Franklin to lead the Andrews Forest component of the Conifer Forest Biome project within the International Biological Program. He was a…

As a young forest ecology professor in the College of Forestry ca. 1970, Dick Waring teamed up with Jerry Franklin to lead the Andrews Forest component of the Conifer Forest Biome project within the International Biological Program. He was a…

Gabe Tucker engaged with Andrews Forest as an OSU undergraduate and completed a thesis on needle morphology of western hemlock. He then completed a MS at U Washington and PhD at Cornell before returning to work in the Coast Range and on silviculture…

Forest Service mycologist Jim Trappe was somewhat peripheral to the Andrews Forest program, but his research group included scientists who participated more closely and, also, he collaborated on projects with BLM scientist Chris Maser on projects…

After fighting in WW II, Bob Tarrant began working in the PNW Station as a forestry researcher in 1946 at a time when forest biology was just becoming a subject of Forest Service research. His science career was again interrupted by military service…

After completion of a PhD in geology at University of Oregon in 1972, Fred Swanson began work at Andrews Forest as a post-doc in the IBP era, leading to a Research Geologist position in the Pacific Northwest Research Station. He remained involved…