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A complete, scientific and popular account of the 580 species and subspecies of birds found in the state ... illustrated by 30 photogravures, 120 full-page duotone plates and more than 1100 half-tone cuts of birds in life, nests, eggs, and favorite…

The Nonesuch Dickens, designed by Francis Meynell, limited to 877 sets. Each set is accompanied by one of the original steel plates or wood blocks made for Chapman & Hall's original editions of Dickens. The steel plate of "The breakdown", engraved by…

Each plate accompanied by descriptive text.

On plates: Pubd. June 1, 1813, by J. Murray, Albemarle Street.

Illustrated in sixty coloured engravings with descriptions.

"Direction artistique", 1925- , G.P. Joumard.

Has companion publication: Chapeaux du "Très parisien."

Also issued in an American ed. (text primarily in French).

Probably hand-printed and illuminated in 13th century manuscript by a 15th century Flemish monk. Directions for singing are scattered throughout the chants. The church calendar, lettered in red and brown with marginal notes and grotesque drawing,…

Hebrew and English in parallel texts; the translation is that of David Levi.

Library's copy originally left in a stagecoach in Montana in the 1850's. It was kept by a brother of James K.P. Currin for many years on the chance that its owner might return for it. Eventually, Currin gave it to his brother, H.P. Currin, who was a…

Designed as an easy guide to the Hebrew tongue, for Jewish children and self-instruction.

Title in Hebrew at head of t.-p.
no. 1. The spelling book.


Includes De consolatione philosophiae and De disciplina scholarium.