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In the interview, Dick Clinton recounts the rich and adventurous story that is his life as a student, researcher, educator, and administrator. Clinton begins with the story of his boyhood, highlighting the early influences in his life which played a…

Participants in this group conversation represent a wide variety of disciplines and roles spanning the entire history of the experimental forest: Forest Service Research writer/editor Brookes, Forest Service soil scientist Dyrness, University of…

Participants in this group conversation represent a wide variety of disciplines and roles spanning the entire history of the experimental forest: Forest Service Research writer/editor Brookes, Forest Service soil scientist Dyrness, University of…

Participants in this group conversation represent a wide variety of disciplines and roles spanning the entire history of the experimental forest: Forest Service Research writer/editor Brookes, Forest Service soil scientist Dyrness, University of…

Participants in this group conversation represent a wide variety of disciplines and roles spanning the entire history of the experimental forest: Forest Service Research writer/editor Brookes, Forest Service soil scientist Dyrness, University of…

Participants in this group conversation represent a wide variety of disciplines and roles spanning the entire history of the experimental forest: Forest Service Research writer/editor Brookes, Forest Service soil scientist Dyrness, University of…

Participants in this group interview represent a wide variety of disciplines and roles: stream ecologist Ashkenas, Forest Director and riparian ecologist McKee, stream ecologist Gregory, aquatic entomologist Anderson, geomorphologist Lienkaemper. …

Participants in this group interview represent a wide variety of disciplines and roles: stream ecologist Ashkenas, Forest Director and riparian ecologist McKee, stream ecologist Gregory, aquatic entomologist Anderson, geomorphologist Lienkaemper. …

Watershed research has been a staple of Andrews Forest science since the earliest days of the experimental forest. This includes the experimental watershed studies of streamflow, sediment yield, vegetation, and biogeochemistry, and also observations…

Watershed research has been a staple of Andrews Forest science since the earliest days of the experimental forest. This includes the experimental watershed studies of streamflow, sediment yield, vegetation, and biogeochemistry, and also observations…