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"Thanks a lot for the photographs! I'm delighted." Discusses upcoming presentations, he has given 141 and had 30 scheduled. Relates that the "North Dakota Pushes for Peace" campaign is going "great guns!"

Reports that he spoke before a group of 1100 'rurual electrification people.' Requests more pamphlets.

Requests 2000 copies of every ECAS brochure. Requests information about his records.

Donation and encloses copy of Henry Wallace's letter to Pres. Truman; is using literature in a discussion group of the United Church of Eagle Rock, CA

Requests 10,000 copies of "Only Then..." for an upcoming speaking tour of North Dakota

Donation; is happy that men of science are trying to save the human race "from beasts in human form" and will stand by Einstein's side to the death

Donation with request for literature to use in a 12th grade English class; wants to be added to mailing list

Donation with request for literature to use in her English class