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Martin (“Marty”) Raphael had a career as a wildlife biologist mainly with the Pacific Northwest Research Station of the US Forest Service, but his role as deputy to Jack Ward Thomas in management of the Ecosystem Management Assessment Team…

As a fisheries biologist for the Pacific Northwest Research Station of the US Forest Service, Gordon (”Gordie”) Reeves played important roles in several of the major processes for delivery of science information to policy makers, including the…

Tom Spies took a post-doc position with Jerry Franklin in 1983 to lead a study of old and young forests in the Pacific Northwest, which led to a career of it as a forest ecologist in the Pacific Northwest Research Station of the Forest Service,…

Trained as a geologist, Fred Swanson brought a physical processes perspective to work in forest and stream ecosystems and his work at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest led to his engagement in the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment (FEMAT) on…

In this interview, Judy Li tells the story of her life as a scientist, teacher, writer, mother and more. The granddaughter of Chinese immigrants, Li provides a brief history of her heritage, and discusses the social climate that prevailed during the…

Thomas Kirch begins the interview by reflecting on his childhood in Seattle, Washington, and how the city has developed since he was a young boy. Kirch moved on to recount his experiences studying at the University of Washington as a Civil…

In this interview, Dr. Ken Krane recounts his journey to becoming a nuclear physicist, researcher, and professor. In this, Krane discusses his upbringing and then elaborates on his undergraduate experience at the University of Arizona, and his…

As part of Native Heritage Month as well as Trans Awareness Week, and in partnership with the Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and Queer Studies programs, the Native American Longhouse (NAL) Eena Haws hosted the event "Indigenous Trans and…

In this interview, Charles Goodrich explores his life as a gardener, writer, instructor, and family man. Goodrich begins by providing a glimpse of his upbringing and education before diving into his career as a gardener, first at Marylhurst Convent,…

Bob Nye begins his interview by detailing his family history and background. He talks about growing up in Walnut Creek, California, and the various influences he had in his youth that lead to his lifelong love of studying history. He also discusses…