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Donation. Regrets delay in contribution and expresses support for committee's work to educate American people.

Donation. Offers suggestions for collaboration with other fields, including psychiatry.

Donation. Requests materials for students.

Donation. Expresses support for committee's work.

Expresses support for Dr. Condon and condemns the actions of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. States she wishes she could make another donation.

Donation. Questions how information is being disseminated and to what audience.

Donation, regrets it is not larger. Provides information regarding local speaking engagements and publicity for ECAS in Duluth.

Donation. Wishes amount could be larger. States he shared Einstein's appeal with friends and offers their questions regarding committee for consideration.

Donation. Requests additional copies of literature to distribute to friends and high school social studies students

States received receipt and letter from Einstein