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County Agent, A.R. Chase and County Supt. C.T. Bonney with the Wasco County Canning Team, 1917.

Canning team making sandwiches at the Pacific International Livestock Show, Portland, Oregon , November 7-12, 1921

Five division winners in 1951 style revue contest at State Fair. From left: Betty Jean Hill, 17, Coquille; Donna Minkoff, 14, Cascade Locks; Neva Goodrich, 16, Prineville; Cynthia Rukovina, 13, Medford; and Joanne Thomson, 15, Portland, champion.

Women in an extension short course on refinishing furniture, Deschutes County.

Mabel Mack, home demonstration agent in Jackson County, is meeting with a group of farm women and showing them the proper care of clothing.

Women with children at a child nutrition clinic, 1919.

Guide for Weekly Market Order to Provide Adequate Diet at Minimum Cost By Jessamine C. Williams and Lucy A. Case

Mobile kitchen, part of the Extension Service's Farm Electrification Exhibit.

4-H summer session girls making hooked rugs