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Sundae Sparkles introduces herself as a Burlesque performer. She was born and raised in Grants Pass, Oregon. She describes always being interested in dance, art, and theater all through school. In high school, she discovered the world of horses and…

Rachael Reckless introduces herself as a pinup model, a strip club stripper, a strip club bartender, a Burlesque performer, and costume designer. She defines Burlesque as telling a story or portraying an emotion through the art of striptease. In…

Lacy Knickers introduces themselves as a producer a Drag artist, Burlesque artist, a model, and a playwright. They are married with two children. Lacy described Burlesque as parody, sexy, serious, and theater. In their performance, they do a mix of…

Tana the Tattooed Lady introduces herself as a Burlesque entertainer and a Burlesque producer. She explains that Burlesque is a place where she can use all her skills and training in one art form. For her it involves singing, wig construction, makeup…

Holly Dai introduces herself as a Burlesque performer, clothing designer, and Burlesque producer. She explains that Burlesque comes from the Latin word “burlare” which means to laugh or to mock, and it was a kind of satire. She tells how…

Dahlia Kash introduces herself as a Burlesque and Drag producer and performer. The pronouns she uses depends on which character she happens to be playing onstage. Dahlia produces three separate shows and she also owns and runs a photography company.…

Christopher Stewart introduces himself as a Burlesque producer and performer. He performs as Zora Phoenix, a gender illusionist and as Sean Nannigans, a Boylesque performer. He has been part of the Burlesque and performing arts community in Portland…

José González begins the interview sharing his experiences growing up in South Texas followed by his move to Oregon in the late 1960s. He discusses his parents’ perspective on speaking Spanish, his experiences with discrimination, his family…

IZOHNNY is the Burlesque performing and producing duo of Isaiah Esquire and Johnny Nuriel. Based in Portland, Oregon, IZOHNNY performs together and separately, nationally and internationally. Isaiah Esquire is a native of Portland, Oregon, while…

Lola Coquette introduces herself as a queer femme, Latinx, and Mexican performer, originally from Arizona and now based in Portland. She is a performer, producer, and instructor of Burlesque. She defines Burlesque as a combination of satire, shimmy,…