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First edition.

Prepared for the Secretary of State's Committee on Atomic Energy by a Board of Consultants.
First edition.

Prepared for the Secretary of State's Committee on Atomic Energy by a Board of Consultants.
Preface by Dr. I.I. Rabi.
First trade edition.

An historical-political investigation into the problem of atomic weapons during the period 1945-1955.
Translated in Stockholm by Albert Read.
First edition in English.

pp. 141-184.
"Hiss: New Perspectives on the Strangest Case of Our Time."
Comprises essentially the entire issue of The Nation for September 21, 1957.

Second edition.

The Rosenberg Case - A reappraisal of an American Crisis.
First edition.

Concerns contemporary espionage cases: Fuchs, the Rosenbergs, David Greenglass, et al.
First edition.