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Illustrated by Graham Kaye.
First Edition.

Volume I, No. 7.
Includes story of atomic war with Russia in 1976.

Color lobby card for "The Atomic Kid", starring Mickey Rooney, Robert Strauss, and Elaine Davis.

Volume I, Number 2.
Includes four atomic battle stories: "Operation Vengeance," "The Ice-Box Invasion," "The Spy from Coney Island," and "Mission Demolition."

Translated by Lawrence Hyde.
Originally published in Czech in 1924. "An eccentric scientist succeeds in disintegrating the atom, creating a powerful weapon. . ." -Brians, p. 154.
Second American edition.

An utopian vision of the uses of atomic energy. Although the first bomb test at Alamogordo is discussed, no mention is made of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Translated from Danish into German and first collected here are: 1. 'Ueber das Wasserstoffspektrum' (read 1913, published 1914); and 3. 'Der Bau der Atome und die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Elemente.' Number 2, 'Ueber dieā€¦