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Lucy Burningham is an author who writes about food and drink, travel, and various other topics. In her interview, Burningham talks about growing up in Salt Lake City, Utah; how her interest in food and beverage writing grew; and how travel influenced…

Aaron Brussat is a Eugene-based beer writer. In his interview, he talks about growing up in Maryland, visiting Washington DC, and his family’s book and record business. He talks about his decision to go to college in Maryland and how that fostered…

Jon Bier is the Lead Bartender at Deschutes Brewery. In his interview, Bier talks about growing up in Corvallis, moving to Eugene to attend the University of Oregon, travelling to the east coast, his interests in fly fishing and outdoor sports, and…

In this group interview, Leslie Burns discusses her life working in academia, and in textiles and design. She begins by describing her childhood, and the influence of 4-H on her strong interest in sewing, which led to her pursuit of a career in…

Betty Miner, a former instructor in Home Economics, begins the interview with her earliest origins, elaborating on her family’s move from Buffalo, New York, to Little Rock, Arkansas as a young girl. In this, Miner explains some of the difficulties…

Gwil Evans’ oral history interview covers a variety of topics, including changes in the purpose of the university, expectations for young men when he was growing up, changing attitudes towards sexuality, and his passion for photography and…

In the interview, Becca Williams describes her upbringing in Santa Barbara, California with her large extended family living close by. She talks about her experiences with religion and her private, Catholic education. Becca recounts her undergraduate…

In this interview, Walsh describes her early life with family and the influence that had on her. She also describes what life was like for her as an openly queer person, and talks about her journey to college, which was far from traditional. Walsh…

In the interview, Wall describes her early childhood interests in Washington, her educational experiences with a dyslexia diagnosis, work as an EMT throughout her undergraduate studies, and her undergraduate experience at both Whitman College and the…