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Donation; third year of donating to ECAS; relays information about participation in Youth Council of the United Nations of Philadelphia; encloses reprint of article written by author on atomic energy

Donation; states he could provide a list of names and addresses for ECAS

Requests literature to hand out at a book review; donation

Shares how pleased she was to receive Einstein's letter; states she didn't see the article in Atlantic Monthly, and that she would like to see more in other publications; donation

Donation; requests pamphlets; states she is glad ECAS is launching and educational program

States that in her last letter she requested copies of literature and never received them; requests they be sent quickly

States that he would like to make the world know of the potential atomic crisis; relates his beliefs that if people would listen to God the crisis would be averted

Donation; states they will pass the forms onto someone else

Donation; outlines a potential 4th possibility she sees in addition to the three in "A Policy for Survival"

States she is not able to donate much; wishes ECAS luck in educating people