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Introduction by Lt.-Gen. Sir Brian Horrocks.
First English edition.

First Edition.

pp. cover, 41, 66.
Loosely inserted, a form letter from the Bureau of the Census, relating to "the recent Military Home Fallout Protection Survey," USGPO, 1967.

Printed pictorial card, certifying that "Charter Heslep Shook, Rattled and Rolled," and signed by William L. Laurence, President, and Henry A. Renken, "Chairman of the Horde by Order of Neptunus Rex."
A humorous membership card, issued to observers…

Color postcard, depicting "Atom Bomb Blasts. Actual Pictures Photographed from Vantage Point High Atop Mount Charleston, Near Las Vegas."

Foreword by Vice Admiral W.H.P. Blandy, U.S.N.
First edition.

Photograph of a nuclear bomb test explosion in the Pacific Proving Grounds.

Color illustrations by George J. Zaffo.
Deluxe Edition.