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Barbara Bond, professor of forest ecology and ecophysiology at Oregon State University, served as Principal Investigator of the Andrews Forest Long-Term Ecological Research program 2008-2014. She begins the interview by outlining her early days…

Ember Ophelia Woody introduces herself as a Renaissance woman and a creative problem solver. One of her many jobs in the artistic realm is that of stagehand. She defines Burlesque as being on the fringe of performance art where it makes fun of…

Mistress Dandy Pie introduces herself as a wild performance artist and a Burlesque performer. She defines Burlesque as an art form that marries all aspects of performance. She explains she does performance that is creepy and shocking and gorey. Her…

The Infamous Nina Nightshade introduces herself as a performer, a producer, and a costumer. She defines Burlesque as a form of strip tease that sometimes tells a story. Her style of Burlesque is mostly classical with a geeky streak. She states that…

Taylor Maiden introduces herself as a burlesque dancer and producer. She defines Burlesque as an art form and describes her style of Burlesque as Neo-Burlesque, but she loves traditional, classic Burlesque.

Maiden explains that she performs…

Miss Darling Divine introduces herself as a Burlesque artist, choreographer, producer, and teacher. Her day job is as a massage therapist. She defines Burlesque as an expression of one’s sexuality and one’s inner being. She explains she does all…

Montana St. Claire introduces herself as a burlesque dancer and owner of Bend Burlesque Company. She produces and directs the shows, and runs all marketing and financial aspects of the company. She defines Burlesque as an art form and describes her…

Dame Peaches Von Killingsworth introduces herself as a performer, a producer, and a vocalist. She defines Burlesque as a teasing performance art framed around human sexuality, absurdism, and humor. Her style of Burlesque is avant-garde with…

In the interview, Stella Coakley, emeritus associate dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences, describes her childhood, education in plant pathology, and how her career ultimately brought her to Oregon State University. Coakley begins by…

Velvet Thorn introduces herself as a Burlesque performer, actor, aerial circus performer and singer. She describes Burlesque as theatrical stripping that can reflect the individual performer’s aesthetic. She differentiates between the Classic…