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States that they have been a donor for some years, and would appreciate something other than a form letter answer; inquires as to whether Frederick Osborn is a speaker for ECAS, because he doesn't support his ideals

Donation of proceeds from sale of Defense Bond; states that this bond, and in the future his other defense bonds, shall be contributed to the ECAS for the "attempted defense of civilization"

States that they were pleased to know ECAS was doing somthing about the issue of atomic weaponry; donation; suggests a non-profit magazine written by the scientists

Donation and expresses support for Committee.

Donation. but regrets the small amount due to her financial status as a pensioner.

Discusses logistics for speaker regarding atomic energy.

Requests speaker to present to schoolboys regarding scientific,political and spiritual implications of atomic energy

States the school secured Mr. Henry Fairbanks as a speaker on atomic energy.