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Address list of Reed College Faculty members

Donation with list of names; requests literature to be rushed and encloses money for postage

Additional donation with suggestion that ECAS involve a professional publicity agency to work for free on their behalf

Donation; will pass letter along to friends and business associates

Donation; states his understanding of why there is the lack of sustaining popular interest in nuclear bomb; asks for the later bulletins of the N.C.S.

States she would like to donate to ECAS; wonders if various peace organizations could join together; notes she does not know how ECAS will cause the public to feel responsible for nuclear weapons; requests specifics on ECAS's plan of action [Includes…

States she would like to donate to ECAS; wonders if various peace organizations could join together; notes she does not know how ECAS will cause the public to feel responsible for nuclear weapons; requests specifics on ECAS's plan of action

Thanks for literature; states she will send ECAS literature to her son-in-law and includes his mailing address; donations from Robertson and two others