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Request for literature at two different addresses

Donation and support with regret at not sending more

Donation and list of names

Donation with support; writes that most people think the atomic bomb is "about as real as a Buck Rogers invention" and that ECAS can educate and warn the public

Donation with request to be put on mailing list

Feels that it would be of value for The Methodist Church to make a stand and issue a call for Federal World Government; asks Einstein to write a statement for this

Donation; hopes that Einstein will be able and willing to assist him in the publication of another bulletin to be sent to the Senate and House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States and the Executive Committee of the Federal Council…

Donation with offer of continued support

Donation with request for 35 copies of literature to be used for study in donor's junior high social science classes

Expresses support; offers to type letters for ECAS