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MacCarty begins her interview by talking about her experiences growing up in a small town and how those experiences shaped her desire to pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering. From there, she moves on to her memories of Iowa State University,…

In her interview, Sandy Jones discusses her upbringing in Lake Oswego, Oregon with her parents and older brother. Following her brother, Jones attended Lakeridge High School, where she was a four-year member of the cheerleading team and a…

In this interview, Beth Fischer describes her childhood in Beaverton, Oregon and the impact that being the youngest of five children (by at least seven years) had on her college experience. She also reflects on her memories of growing up on what she…

Carrington Fastelin begins the interview by talking about her past and what brought her to attending Oregon State University starting in the fall of 2019, as well as her current major and minor. When she first started attending OSU, she was majoring…

At the beginning of the interview, Abigayle Darula discusses the role that her upbringing and pre-college life had on her involvement with all of the different organizations she’s a part of. As it moves forward, the major focuses of the interview…

Photo of Jayathi Murthy taken on lower campus, Oregon State University.

Sandria Dore descends from several generations of Oregonians and she introduces herself as a Burlesque performer. She defines Burlesque as a vintage or retro theatrical striptease, noting that the audience can have a totally different experience than…

Leo Prowl introduces himself as a Burlesque performer, producer, and director. He states that Burlesque is freedom. The freedom to express who you are in a group who accept you. He emphasizes that Burlesque is a statement that we refuse to accept…

Luz de la Concha introduces herself as a Latina Burlesque performer and defines Burlesque as a movement based art form of musicality, grandeur and glamour however that is defined by the person creating it. She likes this art form because she’s in…

Cali Kid describes Burlesque in the late 1990s to early 2000s as a theatrical performance art form coming from a Punk Rock + retro artistic aesthetic, similar to the 1990's interest in swing dancing, Tiki scene, Lounge scene, and space age cocktail…