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Hager begins the interview with the topic of the final days and death of Arthur A. Noyes. Pauling shares some of his thoughts on the death, his then assumptions about succeeding Noyes, and becoming Chairman of the Division of Chemistry and Chemistry…

This interview with biographer Thomas Hager revolves around Pauling’s return to Caltech after his time as a Guggenheim Fellow, his transition to Assistant Professor, his second trip to Europe, and his work on the chemical bond. Pauling recounts…

This interview with biographer Thomas Hager focuses on Pauling’s transition from Caltech student to Guggenheim Fellow in Munich, Germany, and his work there. Ava Helen accompanied him during this 1926-1927 fellowship. They begin with detailed…

This interview with biographer Thomas Hager focuses primarily on Pauling’s life as a graduate student at The California Institute of Technology. OAC Department of Chemistry Professors Floyd Rowland and John Fulton and their influence on his…

In this interview, biographer Thomas Hager asks Pauling what he believes his most important contributions have been. Pauling lists four areas of work from his lifetime: the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, his research on vitamin C, the nature of the…

In this in-depth interview with biographer Thomas Hager, Pauling shares memories of his family, his childhood, his young adult life, early college experiences, and reflections on people who had an early influence on him. He spends much of the talk on…

In this brief phone interview, journalist Thomas Hager poses some questions to Pauling on behalf of Oregon Magazine. Pauling gives his thoughts on activism in world peace, especially among scientists. He shares his views about militarism, Presidents…

Nethmini Weerasekera’s interview begins with reflections on her upbringing in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Growing up with her parents and two older brothers, Weerasekera’s family lived modestly, with her father working as a photojournalist and her mother…

The interview begins with Zoe Simmons speaking about her childhood growing up in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Simmons reflects on the many sports she was involved in as a child and the active lifestyle her family led. She then recounts the roles that…

Robin Rosetta begins her interview by recalling her early years in Texas and move to California when she was four years old. She recounts having a good education throughout grade school and expresses how much she loved reading growing up. In high…