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Yajaira Hernandez is a bilingual family intervention therapist in the city of Salem, Oregon, who works in mental health crisis intervention for Latinx families. Hernandez studied international relations at the University of San Diego, and earned her…

Cecilia Burrell Stone was born in Tucson, Arizona, and raised in various cities around California. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in 1970 from the University of Long Beach. In her interview, Stone reflects on her time growing up in California…

Bartolo Marquez was born in Portland, Oregon and grew up in Woodburn, Oregon. He obtained his BA in Criminal Justice and Corrections at Western Oregon University in 2002. Over the course of this interview, he explains his career path and how his…

Pérez describes her childhood in Healdsburg, California and the obstacles she faced living in a predominately white, upper-class area. She discusses her upbringing in an agricultural tourism economy, an environment with a large class and racial…

Ray Wolf talks about his childhood growing up in Spain and his journey in finding his identity. He was born and raised in Spain as a girl, and talks about his journey through several identities, including lesbian girl, straight man, and trans man. He…

Parks begins his interview sharing information about his childhood. Because his father was in the military, he moved many times as a child, but lived in Dallas, Texas, until he graduated from high school. He shares that his parents were happily…

In this interview, Dan Dowhower talks about his experience being a gay man throughout his life, starting with his childhood. He speaks about coming out to his family after a conversation with his mother around the 1980s when the AIDS epidemic was in…

In this interview, Robyn Leigh Tanguay focuses on her ideas and advice about coming out as a trans person, as well as some of her experiences within her professional career, future research, and influences in her life. Tanguay states that her…

Reese and Chaplow begin their interview by giving a brief background on themselves and their relationship. Reese begins by discussing his coming out story and childhood, and briefly touches on his decision to become pregnant. Chaplow then talks about…

DJ Travers is a former member and one of the “founding mothers” of the Lesbian Avengers in Corvallis. Travers speaks of his early childhood when he was known as Amy. He mentions that growing up he always wanted to dress in more boy clothes and…