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In this interview, Mary Dimick begins by explaining her daughter’s friendship with Ulysses Grant McAlexander, a celebrated OAC figure and war hero from World War I. She then describes her childhood in Sellwood, Oregon, and her memories of the…

This interview with Robert Rilatos, a member of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, begins with descriptions of the many tribes that were brought to the Siletz Reservation and the origins of the word ‘Siletz.’ Rilatos then explains what…

This interview was conducted with Virgil Avery, the grandson of Joseph Conant Avery, who founded the city of Corvallis, Oregon. In it, Virgil Avery discusses his family’s history in Corvallis and how the town has changed in his lifetime. He begins…

In this interview, Peggy Allworth reflects on her life in Oregon and connection to Oregon State University. She begins by describing her early childhood in California and how her family moved to Philomath, Oregon, when she was 12, around 1909. She…

In the interview, Laurie LaPointe recounts her childhood in Colorado, South Dakota, and Oregon. She begins by discussing her heritage as a member of the Lakota Sioux Tribe and describing the different groups of the Lakota, as well as Lakota Sioux…

In this, the second of two interviews, Jean Rice Heath begins by reflecting on her family’s move to Corvallis in 1958. She describes her house in Corvallis and her initial reactions to the city. Next, she discusses the formation of the Crossroads…

Jean (Rice) Heath begins this interview by discussing her birthplace, New Plymouth, Idaho, and her father’s career as a Presbyterian minister. She mentions her three siblings and her family’s move to Boise when she was three years old. Heath then…

In this, the second of two 2021 interviews with Oregon State University students about the Covid-19 pandemic, five honors undergraduates - Anda Gherghe, Aubrey Olsen, Harry Winsper, Mikaela Swaim, and Teresa Valdez - are interviewed about their…

In this, the first of two 2021 interviews with Oregon State University students collected during the Covid-19 pandemic, three honors undergraduates - Nico Enriquez, Sydney Klupar, and Luna Warren - are interviewed about their experiences at school…

In this interview, emeritus professor of Animal Sciences Dale Weber begins by describing his childhood on his father’s farm in Janesville, Illinois. He recalls his early experiences at school–a one room schoolhouse where he was the only person in…