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Donation and support with wish to send a million, if able

Expresses support; offers to type letters for ECAS

Asks if ECAS endeavors are tax exempt

Asks if Einstein would like to come to Los Angeles to give a speech

Says that they are organizing a committee in Los Angeles to stress the responsibility of church in this issue; makes donation

Says that Station KFWB would like to organize a program to help raise funds for the Committee; asks for details so as to coordinate the efforts in timing and content

Says that an account for contributions for ECAS is made open; gives information about the work done by Mr. Shank; expresses willingness to press for the repudiation of preparation for atomic war

Would be glad to have another 200 copies of the pamphlet "Only Then Shall We Find Courage"

Expresses deep sorrow for Mrs. Eileen Fry's sudden death; tells that she just recovered from a serious illness; tells the signing of the statement prepared by Kirby Page and her

Says that he is preparing a series of broadcasts for Warner Brothers Station K.F.W.B. to assist in raising money for the educational fund of ECAS; asks for a statement with information on the reason for the educational campaign and an appeal to theā€¦