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Alder begins by sharing that their pronouns are he/they and that they identify as trans, non-binary, and genderqueer. They share that they started questioning their gender in the sixth grade, where they joined a GSA group at their school and were…

Dana Garves is a brewing chemist who owns and operates BrewLab, a company that provides chemical analyses for breweries, cideries, meaderies, and home brewers. In this interview, Garves talks about her early interest in studying Chemistry, her…

Williams begins the interview by talking about her parents, where her mother was the main provider for the family and her father stayed home, and how that affected her childhood and understanding of gendered roles in relationships. She also discussed…

Briddon began by talking about how they identify and what that means to them specifically. They talked briefly about their childhood, and how they struggled in school because of their autism and they had few friends or extracurriculars. They learned…

Parsons begins by talking about their childhood in ballet, and being unable to express themselves because of that and because of their lack of control over their own expression due to being a child. Because of that, they used online spaces to explore…

Addams begins by talking about how ze identify as a femme lesbian and what that means to hir. Then, ze talks about hir childhood, experience with feminine presentation, and where ze draws inspiration from. Ze discusses how hir idea of womanhood was…

Deborde begins by talking about his childhood and how he was interested in World War II history, planes, and sports such as lacrosse, skiing, and soccer. He remarked that the biggest factor influencing his understanding of his gender was realizing…

Wiksten begins by describing her childhood in rural Northern Idaho, facing abuse both at home and at school, and how she responded to that by creating a tough exterior personality. She didn’t have any role models until she met her boyfriend, a…

Burnett begins by talking about his childhood, particularly about the fact that he has a twin brother, who he did a lot of activities with as a kid. He then discuss his gender exploration process, which started at 14 by being exposed to queer…

McMichael talks about their experience growing up on the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. This included wanting to be able to pursue both mens’ and womens’ roles, and trying to fulfill the role of the son their…