Carmen Wong Oral History Interview

Interviewee: Carmen Wong
Interviewer: Lily-Marie Lytle
Interview Date: February 23, 2023
Location: Interview conducted over Zoom
Duration: 0:50:32

This interview with Carmen Wong begins with a discussion of her experience growing up in Hong Kong. She notes that her mother was an educator, and her father worked for the government. She talks about how she made friends during her childhood and adolescent years, before turning to discuss her move to the U.K. at age 14. Wong recalls that she experienced culture shock and struggled to adapt for a period of time. Wong also touches on her favorite childhood memories, including her family trips. She then returns to her experiences in the U.K., and explains that she furthered an interest in biology while at school there.

The interview then turns to Wong’s experience at college. She attended undergraduate university in the U.S., and notes that her early research experiences prompted her to apply to graduate school. From there, Wong talks about her time in graduate school, and her studies in cancer biology. She says that she has had a positive experience as a woman studying and working in higher education. The interview next focuses on Wong’s experiences at Oregon State University. She discusses how she arrived at OSU and what she teaches. The interview concludes with Wong’s reflections on her experiences as an Asian American woman living in Oregon.

Dublin Core


Carmen Wong Oral History Interview


This interview with Carmen Wong begins with a discussion of her experience growing up in Hong Kong. She notes that her mother was an educator, and her father worked for the government. She talks about how she made friends during her childhood and adolescent years, before turning to discuss her move to the U.K. at age 14. Wong recalls that she experienced culture shock and struggled to adapt for a period of time. Wong also touches on her favorite childhood memories, including her family trips. She then returns to her experiences in the U.K., and explains that she furthered an interest in biology while at school there.

The interview then turns to Wong’s experience at college. She attended undergraduate university in the U.S., and notes that her early research experiences prompted her to apply to graduate school. From there, Wong talks about her time in graduate school, and her studies in cancer biology. She says that she has had a positive experience as a woman studying and working in higher education. The interview next focuses on Wong’s experiences at Oregon State University. She discusses how she arrived at OSU and what she teaches. The interview concludes with Wong’s reflections on her experiences as an Asian American woman living in Oregon.


Carmen Wong


Voices of Oregon State University Oral History Collection (OH 09)


Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries


February 23, 2023


Lily-Marie Lytle


Born Digital Video




Oral History



Oral History Item Type Metadata


Lily-Marie Lytle


Carmen Wong


Interview conducted over Zoom

Original Format

Born Digital Video



OHMS Object

Interview Format
