CH2M Hill, Inc. Oral Histories
Dublin Core
CH2M Hill, Inc. Oral Histories
Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries
OH 019
Items in the CH2M Hill, Inc. Oral Histories Collection
Holly Cornell Oral History Interview (1 of 4)
In this interview, Holly Cornell discusses his childhood, his family background, his college career, his time in the Army, and the story of how he originally became a part of CH2M. Cornell notes that his family originally moved to Oregon in the…
Holly Cornell Oral History Interview (2 of 4)
In the interview, Cornell discusses his early experiences with CH2M, the state of engineering education, the impact each of the founding members of CH2M had on the company, and how they all worked together. In recalling the early years of CH2M,…
Holly Cornell Oral History Interview (3 of 4)
In this interview, Cornell discusses CH2M’s expansion into Seattle, stating that he was the person who pushed to have firm open a Seattle office. He gives the reasoning that although there was more competition in Seattle, there was also much more…
Holly Cornell Oral History Interview (4 of 4)
This interview begins with Cornell recalling his experiences working with Fred Merryfield. Cornell notes that Merryfield was an exceptional engineer but was not the best partner when it came to working with clients, as he could dominate conversations…