President Robert MacVicar walks with rancher Lloyd Smith at the Larry Wade Lost Valley Ranch in eastern Oregon, July 1970.
Soon after taking office as OSU's 11th president on July 1, 1970, Dr. MacVicar made a five day trip to eastern Oregon to visit ranches and agricultural projects and to talk to alumni groups and friends of the university.
This photo, taken by Dick Floyd of the OSU Agricultural Experiment Station, was one of a series of ten documenting MacVicar's trip that were published in the September 1970 Oregon Stater. [OSU Archives P57:5283.]
Robert William MacVicar, B.S. M.A., Ph.D. (July 1, 1970–November 16, 1984), appointed by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education as the eleventh president of Oregon State University. MacVicar came to OSU from Southern Illinois University where he had been a vice president and chancellor since 1964. MacVicar retired in 1984. President Emeritus, 1984–1998.
First Vice President position established – Vice President for Research & Graduate Studies (Roy A. Young, 1970-1976).
Nash Hall completed.
Enrollment: 15,509.
Population in Corvallis: 35,153; in Benton County: 53,776; in Oregon: 2,091,385.
Dean of Undergraduate Studies office established. Administrative Services Building, Peavy Hall, Oceanography Shop Facilities, and Kerr Library addition all completed.
OSU celebrated 100 years of military instruction.
The Department of Oceanography became the School of Oceanography.
Dr. Harold J. Evans elected to the National Academy of Science – the first from Oregon State University.
Environmental Remote Sensing Application Laboratory established.
OSU Horse Center dedicated in October.
Arnold and Bloss Halls (residence halls) constructed.
University Exploratory Studies (UESP) established.
School of Science redesignated as the College of Science, and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences designated as the College of Liberal Arts.
Survey Research Center established.
Comprehensive out-of-state recruiting program developed in the Admissions Office.
Native American Longhouse opened.
Marine Science Center Building (Newport) and Wilkinson Hall completed.
Division of Health and Physical Education became the School of Health and Physical Education.
OSU Student Foundation established.
Wayne Valley Field, a new track and field facility, opened.
Black Student Union's new cultural center facility opened on April 26.
School of Oceanography commissioned the 177-foot research vessel Wecoma.
Department of Veterinary Medicine became the School of Veterinary Medicine.
College Inn purchased and Veterinary Isolation Facility completed.
Dean of Administration position changed to Vice President for Administration.
Climatic Research Institute established.
Hispanic Cultural Center opened.
Updated DeMonte and Wagner "Physical Development Plan" for the campus presented.
Dixon Recreation Center and Lab Animal Resources Center completed.
Vice President for Student Services established, first held by Robert W. Chick.
An elected President replaced the Dean of Faculty as the presiding officer of the Faculty Senate.
Faculty Senate Office established.
Consortium for International Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (CIFAD) established.
Gilbert Hall Addition, Magruder Hall, and Physical Plant Warehouses completed.