OSC Extension Service staff member James R. Beck examines a rattan poke (without pig) at the Kasetsart University (Thailand) meat processing plant, ca. 1953.
During the 1950s, Oregon State College developed many international ties. One of the most significant was with Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand. Kasetsart was a relatively new agriculture school established to help diversify the Thai economy and help curb the spread of communism in the region. In 1954, OSC and Kasetsart University signed a cooperative agreement by which OSC provided technical assistance in developing the school's teaching, research, and extension programs. Between 1954 and 1960, 19 OSC staff members assisted Kasetsart University during assignments ranging from one month to two years. Fifty nine Kasetsart University staff members came to the U.S. for training.
Beck took a year's leave of absence from the OSC Extension in order to go to Kasetsart University and develop the technical assistance contract. [OSU Archives P36:111.]
Institute of Far East inaugurated as an annual affair.
Physical Education major established.
Gill Coliseum opened as the largest building in the state with no internal structural supports to hinder spectator views.
President Strand appointed by President Harry Truman as one of a five-person commission to study economic conditions in the Philippines.
Enrollment: 5,887.
Population in Corvallis: 16,207; in Benton County: 31,570; in Oregon: 1,521,341.
Pharmacy curriculum made five-year instead of four; one of the first in the country to establish this curriculum requirement.
Wiegand Hall completed.
Western Interstate Cooperation in Higher Education (WICHE) began service.
First appearance of "Benny the Beaver" as a costumed student.
Science Research Institute established.
Withycombe Hall completed.
An all-college Faculty Day initiated.
Elementary Education program established.
Joint degree program in education established between Oregon State College and Oregon College of Education (now Western Oregon State College).
The name of the institution officially recognized on April 15 by the Oregon Legislative Assembly as Oregon State College.
First issue of "Oregon's Agricultural Progress" published in October.
New football facility, Parker Stadium, (now Reser Stadium) dedicated on October 24. After its grandstands were removed, Bell Field was used for track & field.
Azalea House (women's co-operative housing) opened in September. It was named for Azalea Sager, a former State Home Economics Leader with the Extension Service, who was "instrumental in promoting interest and obtaining the necessary funds for building and furnishing the house."
Forest Experiment Station established.
Technical assistance contract signed between Oregon State College and Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. The contract ran through 1960.
College library named the William Jasper Kerr Library (current library building completed in 1963, remodeled in 1998 and renamed Valley Library).
Heckart and Reed Lodges (co-operative housing) opened.
Milam Hall west wing (addition) dedicated.
Chemical Engineering Building (now Gleeson Hall) completed.
Model United Nations met at Oregon State College on April 4-7; 500 students from 70 western colleges and universities attended.
Oregon State College staff members of Physical Education conducted a sports clinic in Japan.
In December, the Faculty Council changed its name to the Faculty Senate.
National Science Foundation designated O.S.C. as one of the professional schools for Academic Year Institutes.
Art Department inaugurated a series of International Print Exhibits.
Co-ed Cottage (women's co-operative housing) purchased (built in 1926 as a sorority house). Today it is Oceanography Administration.
International students: 143 from 38 different countries.
On January 1, Oregon State played in its second Rose Bowl in school history. The Beavers, under second year coach Tommy Prothro, were defeated 35-19 by Big Ten champion Iowa.
Oregon Forest Products Laboratory expanded into the Oregon Forest Research Center.
Oregon State College invited to become one of 62 members of the National Association of State Universities.
Admission requirement raised on the basis of average high school grades.
Forest Experiment Station consolidated with the Agricultural Experiment Station.
Cordley Hall and Weatherford Dining Hall completed.
School of Forestry, in conjunction with the Swedish Royal College of Forestry, sponsored a Swedish-American Forestry Conference at Stockholm in June.
International students: 207 from 36 different countries.
School of Humanities and Social Sciences established and granted permission to offer B.A. and B.S. degrees, but only in two "Divisional" majors: Humanities (and Arts) and Social Sciences.
Snell Hall (residence hall) opened. Today houses Student Activities Center, Student Media, and International Education.
Weniger Hall completed.