Sheet music cover of "Carry Me Back," OSU's Alma Mater, 1919.
The alma mater was written by W. Homer Maris in 1917, while he was a graduate student at OAC and a member of a popular campus male quartet. The song was first presented publicly by the quartet at a general convocation of students and faculty.
Maris earned a graduate degree from OAC in 1918, and died in a tragic bicycle/automobile accident in Tacoma in 1933. His brother, Paul V. Maris, was director of the OAC Extension Service from 1920-1934. His wife, Buena Margason Maris, later served as Dean of Women at OSC from 1941-1948. [OSU Archives MC - Alma Mater.]
First reference to "Beavers" as an athletic team name.
On April 10, the Board of Regents, following the recommendation of President Kerr, approved the discontinuance of Latin course work as a requirement for graduation (effective 1912).
Correspondence courses offered for the first time.
Committee on Advanced Degrees established (predecessor of the Graduate School).
Student self-government, through a "Student Council," adopted in December.
Degree curriculum in Landscape Architecture established; the first to be offered west of the Mississippi River.
First vegetable gardening bulletin in Oregon published.
Department of Forestry established.
Armory constructed (currently McAlexander Field House).
25th Anniversary of full state control of the college, dating from 1885, celebrated June 10-14.
Enrollment: 1,591 for 1909/1910 academic year.
Population in Corvallis: 4,552; in Benton County: 10,663; in Oregon: 672,765.
Division of College Extension organized with Ralph Dorn Hetzel as director.
Student Loan Fund, predecessor of the Financial Aid Office, established in January following contribution made by R. A. Booth.
Anna Zou Crayne appointed as the first Dean of Women.
On November 30, standards for admission increased. Three years of high school or its equivalent were now required (effective September, 1914). By 1915, four years of high school would be required.
First county extension agents in Oregon began work in Marion and Wallowa Counties.
Agricultural Engineering Building (now Gilmore Hall), Dairy Building (now Gilkey Hall), and the Stock Judging Pavilion erected.
First millage tax for support of higher education in Oregon passed by the Oregon Legislative Assembly.
School of Forestry (George W. Peavy, Dean, 1913-1934) and School of Mines (H. M. Parks, Dean, 1913-1917) established on July 19.
Mines Building (now Batcheller Hall) constructed.
College received acclaim for producing "Lady McDuff," the first chicken to lay more than 300 eggs in one year (303 total).
OAC Student Store, operated by the Student Cooperative Association (forerunner of the OSU Book Stores, Inc.), founded on April 8.
The Smith-Lever Law, which provided extension work in agriculture and home economics, passed by Congress on May 8 and June 14.
Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics established.
First unit of the Home Economics Building (currently Milam Hall) erected.
First 4-H Club publication published.
First women's sorority, Alpha Omega, organized on March 15. It became the Chi chapter of Alpha Chi Omega in March 1915 – the first national sorority at OAC.
Experiment Station Director James Withycombe elected governor of Oregon in November. Withycombe served as governor from January 12, 1915 until his death on March 3, 1919.
Volume 10 of the annual yearbook titled the "Beaver" for the first time.
Oregon Agricultural College became a charter member of the Pacific Coast (Athletic) Conference.
Men's Gymnasium (currently Langton Hall) erected.
Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council established.
The O.A.C. Alumnus, the first alumni magazine, began publication in October. It was a predecessor to the Oregon Stater.
Student health service organized.
Introduction of intramural athletics; A.D. Browne, director. (In the 1930s, the Intramural Athletic Department was recognized as one of the most outstanding in the nation.)
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) established; replaced the Cadet Corps. OAC designated as a "Distinguished Institution" for its ROTC work.
Alma Mater, titled "Carry Me Back," written by W. Homer Maris, M.S., Class of 1918. It was officially adopted in 1919.
School of Pharmacy (Adolph Ziefle, Dean; 1917-1945) established.
First home management house, Withycombe House, opened.
Forestry Building (currently Moreland Hall) completed in September.
During 1917-1918, Oregon Agricultural College was the center of military life for the entire state of Oregon. 66 faculty left to aid in the war effort.
School of Vocational Education (Edwin D. Ressler, Dean; 1918-1927) established.
Division of Service Departments (E. J. Kraus, Dean; 1918-1919) established.
In its 50th year after designation as a state college: enrollment--1,668; degrees conferred--181; teaching and research staff--160; library collection--36,478 volumes.
The United States War Service called an additional 105 staff members to active service. (Nearly 2,000 students, alumni, and faculty members were enlisted. In addition, more than 2,000 men were in training at OAC in the Students' Army Training Corps and other military and naval training units).
Library Building (now Kidder Hall) completed in September.
Three-term calendar restored.
Gold Star Memorial Service held on June 9, which honored the 51 OAC faculty, students and alumni who lost their lives in World War I. They were represented by gold stars on the service flags that had been presented to OAC by the students.
Horticultural Products Program (currently the Food Science and Technology Department), first in the United States, established.
Horticultural Products Building (now Hovland Hall) erected.